
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ready for a Road Trip

We had a fine birthday celebration for our granddaughter, Kayley, Saturday afternoon.  It was fun to see her playing with her little friends.  It was also nice to see other grandparents and great grandparents; many we don’t see very often.  It’s hard to believe she’s two already.

I have been adding a few features to the blog.  Near the top of the page you may have noticed the “Our Story”, “Full-Time RVing”, and “Living in a Class C” tab.  Those have all been added during the past few days.

Slowly but surely I’ve been adding the blogs which I follow.  I certainly appreciate those following this blog.  I know we have many regular readers not following publicly. We appreciate all our readers and your support.  It really makes writing the blog much more fulfilling.

As I’ve been experimenting and playing around with Blogger, I keep finding features that I really like.  Many of these features don’t exist on Trip Journal or, if they do, they’re easier to use on Blogger.

I’ve been packing my suitcase this afternoon.  Whenever that happens, it’s such a strange experience.  We travel all the time, but since we take everything we own with us, it seems so odd to pick out the stuff needed for a few days away from home.  We do this so seldom, we usually spend more time trying to remember where the suitcase is than we spend packing.

What’s the destination?  Well, Greenville, South Carolina, off course.  My mother and I are taking this little three-day trip without our husbands.  Just us girls.  My mother’s brother lives in Greenville and we’re going to visit with him for a few days.

A “girls trip” is not unusual for mom and I.  As a teenager, she and I would come to Nashville for a shopping day.  After I grew up, we expanded on our shopping trips and often got on a plane to Chicago for shopping on the Magnificent Mile.  More often than that, we’d get in the car and drive to Atlanta.  These shopping trips were a special time for mom and I.

Health issues for her and full-time RVing for me has interfered with these trips.  Our last shopping spree was to Chicago for my 50th birthday over 10 years ago.

So, when she suggested we go for a visit with her brother, I couldn’t think of anything better to do.  Well, I probably could have, but nothing that would be as important or mean as much to us both.

This afternoon we went to the grocery to get some grub for Gene.  Hopefully, he hasn’t completely forgotten how to cook.  If things get too bad, he can always find his way to Cracker Barrel down the street.  The Peanut knows how to let you know when he’s hungry and we got plenty of cat food at the grocery, too.

That’s what we’ve been up to.  Thanks for tagging along.


  1. It's great that you can still take trips with your mom. Sure wish I could.

  2. have a great girl's trip with your mom!!..I am sure it will be a blog worthy event!!!

  3. I know what you mean about packing! Every time we have to do it, which isn't that often, it's like a surreal experience. Trying to remember everything you need on a day-to-day basis is tough. We are spoiled, having our house with us all the time! :)

    Enjoy your trip with your mom!
