
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Day in Greenville, South Carolina

Before I get started with my adventure, I want to say Happy Birthday to our son-in-law, Jack.  He and Kayley share the 18th as their birthdays.  This is not a very good picture of Jack, but you know who gets all the attention anyway.  Happy Birthday, Jack.  You’re the best.

Mom and I had a full day in the car yesterday as we drove to Greenville.  It was not a bad drive.  The weather was wonderful, the traffic was light, and I-40 all the way from Nashville to Ashville was in excellent condition.  We encountered no areas of construction and no slowdowns, not even in Knoxville.

We were hoping for some brilliant fall color as we crossed the mountains, but no such luck.  The yellows are starting to change, but there were hardly any reds.  Mostly, it seemed a bit dull, sorta like the leaves were just dying and falling off the trees, perhaps from lack of rain.  Tennessee has been very dry for the past few months.

We finally arrived at my uncle’s home just in time for dinner.  And, oh boy, was it ever a good dinner.  He had made a wonderful chicken casserole, green bean casserole, fresh corn on the cob, and a yummy cherry congealed salad.  I hope we convinced him to bring his speciality--chocolate pecan pie--to Nashville for Thanksgiving dinner.  Also around the table sharing this wonderful meal were Carl’s two sons and daughter-in-law.  It was a great visit.

Today, we went downtown for a short walk around Falls Park.  The Reedy River runs through the downtown area and the city has created a fabulous green space along the river bank with gardens of flowers and a paved walkway for walkers, joggers, and bicyclists.

We stopped on Main Street at Mast General Store.  I had been in the Mast General in Ashville, but never this store.  It's always fun.  I especially like the "housewares" section with the barrels of candy.

After lunch we drove over to Furman University for a tour around that beautiful campus.  We were lucky enough to see the black swan on the lake.  My mom tires easily so we passed on walking along the paved trail around the lake.
Bell Tower and Lake at Furman University

The highest point around the city is Paris Mountain.  We drove up there for the view.  It’s impressive to see the city far below.  Unfortunately, by the time we were there the clouds were beginning to move in and our view wasn’t as good as it could have been.

It’s been a very full day and we’re looking forward to another one tomorrow.

That’s it for now.  Thanks for tagging along.


  1. what a great visit with your Mom so far, Judy! the green space in the middle of the city!!..and the barrels of candy!!

  2. Looks like you are having a gret visit with your mom. I think I would live that candy in a barrel area...a kid in a candy shop.
