
Monday, April 4, 2011

Oklahoma City National Memorial

Despite the wind that would just about blow you over this morning, we bundled up against the cold and headed over to the Oklahoma City National Memorial.  This memorial honors those lives which were changed when a bomb exploded outside the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building April 19, 1995.

Gates of Time
The memorial is located at the site of the Federal Building.  The Field of Empty Chairs is where the Federal Building once stood and the Reflecting Pool was once Fifth Street, where the rental truck containing the bomb was parked.

One hundred sixty-eight people lost their lives that day, nineteen of them children.  Like 9/11, most of us remember the shock we felt when we heard the news of this devastating event.  Today, touring the memorial, those memories came rushing back.

Field of Empty Chairs

We also toured the State Capitol Building today, but I think as a dedication to those killed and injured in the Oklahoma City bombing, I’ll just post the photos of the memorial and save the capitol building story for another day.

Murrah Plaza

A few words from yours truly,

First, let me say Mike Evringham is one fine fellow.  Mike checked out my house battery and eliminated some things from what drew it down of our last boondock.  It is in good shape too and was apparently undamaged by the event.

Second, Mike worked on plumbing.  My water heater was weeping a bunch of water.  He found the thermostat was not flush (no pun intended) against the side of the tank, and therefore the thermostat could not sense the heat and kept asking for more.  He reinstalled the thermostat and all seems well. I even learned how to do that.

And more.  In our looking about we found the converter.  Ok, Mike told me where to look.  And it is a 55 amp, not a 10 amp like I had thought.  My coach alternator is 125 amp.  I ought to be able to recharge a house battery!

So I am quite thankful Mike took the time to look into my problems and teach me a couple things.

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