
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bricktown Canal Walk

Well, the wind has picked up here in Oklahoma and it has our little home rockin’ and rollin’.  Our slide-out awning was flapping so much I put the slides in this morning.   According to the weather forecast, it’s supposed to be worse tomorrow.  We had the windows open for a short while yesterday and again this morning and now I have a thin layer of dust on everything. Closed up everything and turned on the AC.

Upon the recommendation of a couple of our readers, this afternoon we went to check out the canal walk in the Bricktown area.  Bricktown is the old warehouse district which has undergone a tremendous facelift over the past several years.  It has been renovated and revitalized and is now one of the city’s hotspots.  It reminds me of the San Antonio River Walk.  The mile-long stretch of canal is bordered on each side by sidewalks lined with restaurants, some shopping, a movie theater, and the Bricktown Ballpark.

For a treat and a chance to rest a few minutes about halfway through our walk, we stopped in at the Peachwave Self-Serve Yogurt place.  There were about 20 flavors to choose from and since it was self serve you could mix and match which ever flavors and however much you wanted.  There was also a large selection of toppings.  At the cash register you put your cup of yogurt and paid by weight--39 cents per ounce.

At one end of the canal were several large sculptures depicting the Oklahoma Land Run.  I don’t know much about this event, but my understanding is that some 2 million acres of prime public land was opened up for settlement.  Anyone interested in homesteading a portion of that land could do so and, if improvements were made to the land within a certain amount of time, then the settler would own that land.  Well, naturally, that sounded like a really good deal to a whole lot of people.  Anyone interested was to gather at noon on the set date.  Then, I guess, it was just a free for all.  Whoever got to a spot they wanted could stake their claim.

The canal walk was nice.  We enjoyed it and we are always uplifted to see older and less popular sections of towns revitalized.

Yogurt Machines

Besides our walk, we also got a few chores done this afternoon and even had a few minutes to visit with Mike and Peggy.

That’s my story for today.  Thanks for tagging along.

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