
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Weird World Photos

This has been a wonderful, relaxing day.  We sipped coffee this morning before our pancake and bacon breakfast.  I got together a grocery list and we headed out to the new Walmart in Fairhope.  After lunch I cut Gene’s hair and after his shower we went over to the book room at the clubhouse to swap a couple books.  We spent the remainder of the afternoon either on the computer or reading.  We have about the same thing planned for the evening.  Sometimes, you just need a day like this.  With the busy days right around Christmas, then the day we spent taking down decorations and preparing to travel, then two days on the road followed by a day at Mobile, we were ready for a down day, maybe two.

It is hard for me to explain how happy we are to be here.  It is good to be in warmer weather, but it’s not just all about the climate.  We are exceedingly happy to be in a campground with fellow RVers, many of whom are full-timers.  Our three months in Nashville were spent at a campground of full-time RVers, but they were not travelers.  They were construction workers, health care workers, and other transient types, but not travelers.  Here we are surrounded by fellow travelers who share our desire to wander the country and who understand this nomadic lifestyle.

At dinner last evening, we sat with another couple with a Tennessee residency and enjoyed an hour of talking about our trips to Alaska, the joys of campground hosting, plans for future adventures, and bear stories.

This morning we noticed a gentleman behind our rig with a long piece of string.  By the way, there is about 40 feet between the back of our rig and the back of the rig behind us.  Like I said before, these sites are huge.  Anyway, Gene went out to investigate.  It turns out that Bill was measuring kite string.  He had paced off what he judged to be about a hundred yards and was running his string out to do something to it at every 100 yard increments.  I don’t know a lot about kites so I can’t be more exact than that about what he was doing, but, like the couple we met at dinner last night, it was great to meet Bill--a fellow RVer enjoying his hobby.

When we went over to the clubhouse to browse the book room, the dulcimer group was gathered doing their thing.  That certainly made looking through the books a delightful experience.  If we’re still here next Wednesday, I may go over just to listen to them play.  This is what this lifestyle is all about--meeting people and making new friends who share some of your interests, especially in travel.

Those of you who regularly read this journal know that I usually have my camera hanging around my neck or slung off my shoulder.  In wandering around America you just never know what you’re going to see.  There are some things out there that are just too weird.  Here are a few we’ve seen this year.

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