
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

USS Alabama in Mobile

We were anxious to get out of the house and do something different today.  We chose to go to Mobile, really just a short drive from Summerdale, for a tour of the battleship USS Alabama.  Even though the temperatures were a little cool and the wind made it seem even colder, the sun was bright and it was a gorgeous day to be outside.

The USS Alabama is located in Mobile Bay at Battleship Memorial Park just off I-10.  This great battleship served America well in the Pacific during WWII as well as Vietnam and Iraqi Freedom.  In addition to the battleship tour, we also toured the WWII submarine USS Drum and viewed the collection of combat aircraft in the museum.

We inquired in the gift shop about a good lunch place and were directed to the Original Oyster House just down the street from Battleship Park.  I had a shrimp Po Boy and Gene had a lunch special of fried shrimp and flounder with french fries.  We both gave the shrimp and the flounder two thumbs up.  The french fries were just okay.  The key lime pie which we shared was yummy.  In fact, if I hadn’t been so full, I could have eaten a piece of my own.
The submarine, USS Drum
Larry, the cook at Rainbow Plantation, is preparing taco salad for dinner.  For a very reasonable price of $5 each, we signed up.  We even signed up to help serve.  We enjoy the many social activities at the Escapees parks.  We’ll participate in several while we’re here this time.

We have rain in the forecast for tomorrow, so we will probably stick pretty close to home.  Perhaps we’ll get to the grocery.  We’ll see.

That’s all for today.

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