
Sunday, October 25, 2009

TTA Hike at Montgomery Bell

This was one of those absolutely gorgeous fall days.  There are precious few of these picture perfect days in middle Tennessee, so it is best to enjoy them when they occur.

Our chapter of Tennessee Trails Association had a hike led by Diane Manas at Montgomery Bell State Park.  Diane is very active in the club and leads several hikes each month.  This is the same Diane that hiked with me for a section on the Appalachian Trail in 2008.  This was the same hike Gene and I did a couple of weeks ago.  We even stopped at the same log for lunch today that he and I had used on our hike.  However, the hike today was much more dramatic since the leaves are in peak color.

There were 4 ladies plus Gene and I in the group.  Since we usually hike alone, it was a real treat to have others with whom to share the experience.  We have known all these ladies for several years, so it was also nice to have a chance to catch up with what everyone has been up to lately.

The hour ride home in the truck has left my body in a somewhat crippled condition.  My grandfather would say I am “stove up”.  This old body got a workout today.  I’m going to shuffle around the kitchen long enough to get dinner on the table, then I will take to my recliner for the duration of the evening.

Enjoy the photos of fall color reflected off the surface of the lake.

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