
Saturday, October 24, 2009

God Works in Mysterious Ways

I think this may have been the busiest week we have had this year.  We have been on the go every day.  Mostly, we have been helping Jack and Ansley with the household chores and meal preparation.  We have about learned not to say what we intend to do before we get to their home.  If we say ahead of time we are going to run the vacuum or do the laundry, Jack busies himself with getting it done before we get there.  The new family is getting along well and the new parents are settling into to the routine of having a baby in the house.

On Thursday evening we gathered with several others from the Nashville chapter of Tennessee Trails to assemble and prepare the monthly news letter for mailing.  That is always a fun event even though there is a lot of work involved getting a 12-page newsletter out to about 700 members.  The camaraderie, food and wine help the work slip away unnoticed.

Friday afternoon we went on a mission to find a lampshade to replace the one that disintegrated last month.  I had already looked at Wal-Mart and yesterday we went to Target and Hobby Lobby.  At Target they were all too large; at Hobby Lobby they were all too small.  I guess I’ll have to go to a lighting store.  We found the other items on our list--new pillows, a silk flower arrangement, and yarn for a new knitting project.  I also got a square of polyfoam.  For several months I have been trying to think of a way to store my glass wine glasses so they will ride safely when we are traveling.  I finally came up with the idea of cutting circles the size of the glass rim in a piece of foam.  I got  the foam and cut the circles.  Now I am anxious to see if it works.

This morning we did a quick 5-mile hike at Beaman Park. That was the first time I have been out since last Friday.  It felt good to stretch these old legs.

Sometimes when we get so busy it seems we are meeting ourselves coming or going, I get frustrated with all the activity and aggravated with myself that I can’t seem to get it all done.  Often at those times, something out of the blue happens to lighten my spirit.  This morning as I was wondering how I was going to get through today, I looked down and saw my sweet Peanut perched on the commode.  It made my heart smile.  Thank you, Lord.

This afternoon we are off to REI to pick up a pair of hiking pants I ordered and Gene wants to look at packs.  We won’t stay long, because this evening my family is getting together for dinner.  This will be the first time we have seen most of them since we got back into town.  We’re looking forward to that.

A busy week--but fun and exciting.

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