
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Port Orchard

After a late night last night it was hard to get up early this morning, but we managed to roll out of bed and were on the way to Seattle airport by 7:30.  With heavy cloud cover, a light rain, and commuters trying to get to work, it was a tedious drive without much opportunity to look around.

We collected my parents from the hotel where they stayed last night and headed back to Port Angeles.  On the way, we stopped briefly at Port Orchard.  This is a small village of about 10,000.  I had read about the charming shops along the waterfront and thought that might be a nice place to stop for a quick look and to have our picnic lunch at the marina.  That would have been a good plan, but the charming shops were nonexistent and the rain prevented our picnic at the very nice park in front of the ferry terminal.  Oh well, we couldn’t help the rain.  We had our “picnic” at the comfort of our own table after we got back to Port Angeles.

If we can believe the weather forecasts, tomorrow looks like our best day for views from Hurricane Ridge.  We’re all tired, however, so it will be a slow start in the morning.

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