
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hurricane Ridge, Again

In stark contrast to yesterday with heavy clouds and misting rain, today was a glorious sunny day with delicate wisps of clouds floating across the big blue sky.  We could not have ask for a better day for our last trip to Hurricane Ridge.  This is one of the most popular places in the park for visitors, probably because of the spectacular views of the mountains (including Mount Olympus) as well as the Strait of Juan de Fuca.  Of course, the weather has to cooperate for those views.  In our trips up to the top during the time we have been here, we have been able to see the Strait and not the mountains; the mountains and not the strait.  Today, we saw it all and it was great.

As expected, we got a late start.  We were all just too tired to move around too quickly without plenty of coffee to kick these old bones into drive.  We were never able to get into high gear,  however, and just moseyed along enjoying the incredible scenery.

After we returned home, we had a minor crises with the Peanut.  His little face was swollen and he seemed to be having issues with his head that required shaking and scratching.  A call to the Vet resulted in a quick trip to the drug store for Benedryl.  It seems that everything is just a “best guess” for a diagnosis and today’s “best guess” was something like a bee sting or bug bite.  I haven’t noticed either in the house in the past few days, but we have had several bees inside in the past few weeks.  In any case, he seems to once again be on the mend.

Tomorrow, if Peanut doesn’t require a vet visit, and if we can get moving a little earlier,  we plan to visit Port Townsend.

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