
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Walking in Houston

What a difference a day can make.  Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day with temps in the 70s.  This morning we woke up to a temperature of about 57 and it has been falling ever since.  We put on coats and made the 75 mile drive to Houston anyway.
Getting registered at Hickory Hollow BBQ

Today was a walking event hosted by the AVA Club—Houston Happy Hikers.  There are basically two types of events sponsored by AVA.  The most common is the Year Round Event which anyone can do at any time.  You get a map and walking directions at the start point (listed on the internet at the AVA site by city) and do your own thing.  The other type events are done as a group and listed as One Day Events.  Our walk today was this type and the designated start place was Hickory Hollow Restaurant.  We did the 12K walk, although there was a 5K option.  Basically, we walked around Houston’s version of New York’s Central Park.   There is a large green expanse near the downtown area along both sides of the Buffalo Bayou with a paved trail for walkers, joggers, and bicyclists.  Along the bayou we saw some fishing going on and an egret (I guess he was fishing, too).  There were joggers aplenty and families on bicycles. Our walk passed a Frisbee golf course and skate park. The city apartment and condo dwellers were out with their dogs in the dog play park.  And after almost 7 miles, don’t you know that Texas BBQ at Hickory Hollow tasted mighty fine.  BBQ is on my priority list for this trip and this was my first.  I was not disappointed.

Even though it was overcast and the temps were only in the mid 50s, it turned out to be a great day for a walk.  I had thought we would be walking through the old market area, but I was mistaken.  We may or may not get back down there for the history stuff.  Houston is a big city—the fourth largest in the nation, so we don’t want to go during the week when the traffic would be just too special.
Yard art on one of the condos we passed

My first Texas BBQ

Tomorrow I have to stay home and get a few things done around the house.  I really can’t do any more sightseeing until I do a few loads of laundry.  We are also having an issue with the black tank flushing system which Gene is trying to get resolved.  There is a fresh water inlet from the outside of the trailer which distributes water to a number of jets inside the holding tank. After the tank has been emptied he turns this flushing system on to rinse out the tank thoroughly.  There is a problem with this system that will not allow fresh water in.  His best guess is that the check valve is either broken or stuck in the closed position.  Gene will occupy his time tomorrow with that little problem.

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