
Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Chore Day

It seems like we have been working nonstop all day today.  There are a limited number of washers and dryers here, so I wanted to get an early start on the laundry this morning.  Right after breakfast, I gathered my stuff and Gene helped me get it to the laundry room.  I had four loads today and there are four washers, however, I don’t like to hog all the machines.  I put in two loads at a time, so it seemed to take forever.  There was a jigsaw puzzle set up in the laundry room which provided my entertainment for the couple hours I was there.  While I was doing that, Gene emptied and filled the black tank again and continued his rubbing on the Montana.

By the time I got home with the clean clothes and got them put away, there wasn’t enough time to go to the grocery before lunch.  I got a couple more chores done and checked email. I even dusted down the cob webs that seemed to be occupying every corner of my home. After lunch we headed to Wal-Mart for groceries.  That is always an adventure.  I found that McCormick makes rubs for almost anything you want to eat.  I got a chicken rub which I’ll try later in the week.  I have not seen this product anywhere else.

We have not participated in as much of the campground activities here as we did at Rainbow Plantation.  We have been busy with our sightseeing and have been pretty wasted at the end of the day.  So tonight we are going to the ice cream social.  No matter how tired you are from the day’s activity, you can’t be too tired for ice cream.

Tomorrow will be another stay at home and chore kind of a day.  Gene has some banking to tend to and we need to go to the post office to pick up our mail that Ansley sent last week.  I also think we need to get a propane tank refilled.  I have a few more household chores to do and we need to prepare for traveling.  If we can get in the campground we want, we will head to Corpus Christi Tuesday morning.

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