
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Home Base

I think we’re pretty well settled into our little condo in Maryville, TN.  We have all our furniture bought, at least for the time being.  As we continue our travels, I’m sure I’ll be picking up what Gene calls “dust magnets” to sit atop the furniture or hang from the walls for a more homey feel.

We’ve been asked by family and friends if we’re going to sell the RV.  Our answer is a resounding “NO”.   We have no plans to give up RVing.  We’ve only scratched the surface of the fabulous places to visit.  We fully intend to spend at least 4 months each summer traveling.  Besides that, we hope to take a short trip each month or 6-weeks during the remainder of the year.

Unfortunately, we can’t park our RV in our driveway.  It is in storage at a campground near Maryville.  We have easy access for any regular monthly maintenance that needs to be done and it’s close at hand for a quick get-away anytime the travel bug bits.

It’s true--we’re no longer full-time RVers, but, just as so many folks who have been on the road for a number of years have said, change happens.  We were ready for what we think of as a “home base” and are glad we made the move.

We were talking with friends Tony and Diana the other day and Tony reminded me that I had not updated the blog to reflect our new lifestyle.  Thanks, Tony, for the reminder.  I’ve done that now and for more detail on some of the reasons for a “home base” and why we chose Maryville, Tennessee check out the Home Base tab under the header photo.

We already think of this place as “home”--both the condo and the community.  We feel like we have the best of both worlds now.  We’re looking forward to making friends and becoming involved with the Maryville community.  And, we excited about exploring America on extended trips during the summer and finding new hiking trails around East Tennessee, Western North Carolina, and North Georgia.

Life is good no matter where or what you call “home”.


  1. Sounds like you've made a great choice for the two of you. :)

    1. It feels right and we're lovin' it. One of the places on our list to visit is Outer Banks. Won't be this year, but some time soon. Am enjoying your posts and making lists of what I want to see and do when we get there.

  2. I'm still excited that you settled so close. Hope we can get together soon.

    Loved the bear pics. I have also seen a bear on the Curry Mountain Trail a couple of years ago.

  3. Hey, there's nothing wrong with having 2 great homes!

    Anytime RV'ing is the lifestyle we've chosen from the beginning and we love it. After spending 4 months down south in the winter it's always great to get back 'home'. Then, when we do go RV'ing anywhere it's always a special event.

    1. We're already looking forward to our short trips and I'm sure we'll be ready to hit the road for a few months by the time next summer rolls around. I'm actually looking forward to seeing some snow this winter.
