
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Longest Trailer

This has been an uneventful day.  We woke up to very chilly temperatures and strong winds.  We dilly dallied around getting the morning routine chores done and sipping coffee waiting for the sun to warm up the air a little.

While we waited, I stepped out quickly to take a picture of our next door neighbor.  This trailer, the longest I think I have ever seen, pulled in just after dark yesterday evening.  I took particular notice because the trailer seemed very close to the tree outside our window.  The driver noticed, as well, and backed up to make a wider turn.  Because most of our day/night shades were down, I couldn’t see the rest of the trailer.  As I watched the driver navigate to avoid the tree, I was amazed that the trailer just kept coming and coming.  They didn’t unhitch, just hooked up their water and electricity and pushed out their slide.  This morning, outside and with the benefit of sunlight, the true length of this trailer was amazing.  This rig filled up a 60 foot sight end to end.  I feel confident this plain white trailer is hauling a race car (maybe two) of some description.

About mid morning, we headed out for a 5-mile walk.  The sun was bright, but the temperature and wind demanded coats, hats, and gloves.  We moved right along trying to stay warm and were home in time for lunch.

That’s been about it for today.  The highlight for me was this longest trailer.

Tomorrow we have a luncheon date with J.W. who was parked next to us during most of our stay in Nashville during the holiday season.  That’ll be fun and great to see him again.

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