
Monday, February 6, 2012

Winter Chores

During the winter months of January and February is the time we set aside for the “winter chores”.  These are the chores which are hard to get done during the rest of the year when we’re busy traveling and hiking.  They include the cleaning out of drawers, cabinets, and closets, washing and waxing the rig, off loading things we haven’t used in a while, and various other tasks and maintenance jobs.

Gene is making progress on washing and waxing.  He’s gotten the roof washed.  Well, maybe that’s not much progress, but it’s a start.  I’ve cleaned out drawers and cabinets, but will make another pass to see if we can reduce that 300 pounds we’re over weight.

Gene’s project for today was to paint our step.  It hangs out there in all kinds of weather.  Not only does it get very dirty, during the year it starts to rust at the corners.  A good cleaning and fresh paint has been on his list for some time.  The step looks like new with one coat of paint.  Another will be applied tomorrow.  Sure hope I remember to step on the stool when I go out the door rather than on the fresh paint.

Also on the agenda for today was to get Peanut’s blanket washed.  Like the laundry facilities in most campgrounds, washing pet blankets is a no-no.  One of our neighbors recommended a laundromat in Bushnell.  We loaded up all the laundry bright and early this morning and headed to town.  With Peanut’s blanket, an afghan, the sheets, plus our clothes and towels, I had 4 loads.  It’s almost a miracle to find 2 free washers in the small laundry facility here at the park.  I decided to avoid the frustration by doing it all at the laundromat in town.

The laundromat was awesome.  It was new--new building, new equipment.  Everything was very clean and everything worked.  But this was Monday, wash day all across America.  It was packed.  I got my laundry in because there were about a million machines, but it was difficult to walk between washer and dryer for the number of people milling around.  Plus it was expensive.  I paid double what I would have at the campground.  I’ll have to take Peanut’s blanket up there, but I won’t do my regular laundry there again.  Nice is nice, but dollars are dollars.

Our resident Florida sandhill cranes.  They're a handsome couple.

We enjoyed visiting with friends at the Super Bowl Party.  There were some mighty fine chillies to be sampled, as well.  It’s hard to eat just a few bites of ten different chillies.  There were a variety of other snack foods also which resulted in that stuffed and bloated feeling.  Emma’s mama asked for the recipe for the 7-layer Mexican dip.  Here’s the abbreviated version of what I sent her.

First layer--bean dip
Second layer--8 oz sour cream mixed with half package of taco seasoning packet
Third layer--guacamole.  I make my own, but store bought is fine
Fourth layer--grated cheese
Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh layer--chopped tomato, sliced or chopped ripe olives, and sliced green onions.

Yesterday, I served it in a baking dish, but a 10 or 12 inch round serving platter makes a nice presentation.

We’re excited to welcome Lady Dyna Rider as our latest follower.  She and her husband, TM, are dreaming of retirement in 2015 when they’ll be traveling in their 5th wheel.  Thanks for tagging along, y’all.

That’s it for today.  Thanks for tagging along.

1 comment:

  1. nice job painting the step!..great to get the yearly chores out of the way so you can carry on with the 'fun stuff'
