
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fighting a Cold

I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather the past few days--stuffy nose, slight headache, sneezing, very little energy.  Sounds like a cold; feels like a cold.  I haven’t taken to my bed, though.  We’ve been out doing a few things.

Sunday, we were all ready for a hike.  We got in the car and drove past Tony and Diana’s place and were surprised to see their car there.  We thought they were on their way to visit friends in Sarasota.  As it turned out, they had brake problems.  Forget the hike; we needed to take care of our friends.  We drove them to Auto Zone then to the grocery.  On Monday morning, they had their car towed to a dealership.  From there they went on to visit friends, so we don’t know the outcome of the brake issue.  They should be back tomorrow with all the details.

It’s just as well we didn’t go for our hike on Sunday.  I wasn’t feeling all that great and it was cold and windy.  Not a good day to be out.

Monday was a little warmer, although the early morning temperatures were below freezing.  We debated about hiking, but Webster flea market won that contest.  Gene has had funnel cake on his list since we got here.  I thought for sure he’d get it at the FMCA rally, but he didn’t.  Besides funnel cake, he wanted a pair of sunglasses so off to the flea market we went.

It was a very successful shopping day.  He got his funnel cake right away, then we strolled up and down, in and out looking at everything for sale.  I think you could find anything under the sun at that flea market.  He found is sunglasses as well as a buckle for his pack waist belt to replace the one he step on and broke on Sunday night.

Besides tomatoes and fresh strawberries, I found a pair of knockoff Crocs.  I’ve been wanting a pair of something that I could just slip on for quick trips outside.  These will work perfectly and can’t be beat for just $5.  They only weigh 4 ounces.  I may go back next week and get another pair. They would be great camp shoes for backpacking trips.

Speaking of backpacking.  Gene found the time to fix his Thermarest sleeping pad.  When we were on our trip to the Arctic Circle, he discovered that it had a leak.  Try as he might, he was never able to find a hole or feel where the leak was.  Since we don’t have a bathtub, he didn’t have a way to check for the leak.  He took it up to the indoor pool here at the campground.  It only took a couple minutes to find the tiny hole.  It was so small, he was able to fix it with glue.

We’ve had a fun Valentine’s Day.  I fixed Gene pancakes and bacon--one of his favorite breakfasts and he did the laundry for me.  Boy, was that a treat.  For the afternoon, we took a drive up to Ocala for lunch.  We had lunch at Murphy’s Oyster Bar, but it wasn’t all that great.  Oh well.  We both enjoy browsing through bookstores.  We found a Barnes and Noble, ordered coffee and a brownie to sip and munch while we leafed through a few books.  Gene was trying to find a Florida wildflower book, but he was not completely satisfied with any of the three they had to choose from.

Since I've mostly been resting, I've had time to work on the blanket for my next grand niece, who is due in April.  I'm finished all but weaving the loose ends through.

So, that’s what we’ve been up to.  Hope you’ve had a nice Valentine’s Day.  Thanks for tagging along.


  1. hope you feel like yourself soon Judy!..nice crocs and blanket too!!

  2. Sorry to hear about your cold! Get better soon. I'm sure that funnel cake was good but not as good as those cinnamon rolls along the road to Alaska I suspect!

  3. Hope the cold goes away soon. Looks like you had a great Valentine's Day!
