
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Set Up at the SEA Rally

We got a slow start this morning.  Having only a 30 mile drive to the rally location, there was no need to get in a big hurry.  We finally left the campground about 11 AM.

The Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) Southeast Area (SEA) Rally is being held at the Hernando County Airport in Brooksville.  We are now parked on one of the runways.  I thought this was an old airport not in use any longer, but I can see the tower out my window and there are planes landing and taking off on other runways nearby.  It’s a little intimidating.  Surely, they know were here.  I take comfort in the fact that there are a couple hundred RVs on this runway with us.

We are in full boondocking mode and are enjoying that so far.  We can, if we want, run our generator 16 hours during the day.  It’s always nice to have that option.

I was impressed by the guys who volunteered to assist with parking.  They all have on plenty of orange--orange vests, orange hats, some even with orange shirts.  Reminded me of our orange hats we wear hiking during hunting season.  I’m sure there are no hunters around here, so I’m thinking all that orange is a commentary on RV drivers.

We hitched a ride on the shuttle over to the information tent to pick up our “welcome packet”.  It was full of paper and an unsharpened pencil.  I don’t know of a single RVer who carries a pencil sharpener.  The paper was advertisements and coupons.  The most exciting coupon was for $$ off on ice cream at Dairy Queen.  You better believe we’ll be using that.

Also included in the “welcome packet” was a list of seminars.  We’re a little disappointed.  Well, maybe a lot disappointed.  There was very little we are interested in.  Most are what we call infomercials.  They are there to sell you something and, for your convenience, they also have a booth in the vendor tent.

From the few people we’ve spoken with, the crowd is down.  That’s not surprising, I guess.  The RV industry has taken a hit during the economic downturn.

No matter; we’re here and we’re gonna have a good time.

So, I think that’s all for today.  Thanks for tagging along.

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