
Saturday, January 28, 2012

RV Live is Good, but Busy

Some may wonder how they’ll fill their time once retired.  We have no problem with that.  Instead, we wonder where we’re going to find the time to get it all done.  Tony asked us yesterday if we get everything done we intend to do each day.  The answer is “no”.  So what have we been doing for the past two days?  Well, let’s see.
Shadows on the trail.
From our hike on Thursday
I started Friday morning off with the laundry.  Frequent hiking tends to fill up the laundry basket in a hurry.  I used to say the thing I missed most from my stick house was the frost free freezer.  I think I need to revise that, because what I really miss most is the washer and dryer.  Both our 5th wheels were plumbed for washer/dryer, but we never had them because we didn’t want to carry the extra weight.  Now, there’s hardly room for the laundry basket in the Four Winds much less a washer/dryer.  Most campgrounds have a laundry facility and that’s where I was at 8 AM Friday morning.  I was lucky; there was no one else there.  Friday mornings can be a busy time at the laundry, but I guess the rain kept most away.  I was able to get two loads done with no waiting.
Resurrection Fern came back to life.
This shot was before the rain.

After the rain.

While I was at the laundry, Gene was taking care of financial matters--balancing the checkbook, reviewing the credit card statement, etc.

Tony and Diana stopped by before the laundry got put away and before the financing was done, so we put all that stuff aside and got out the Tennessee and Great Smoky Mountain National Park maps.  They’re going to be in Ashville, North Carolina for most of the summer and we’re planning to be in the vicinity of the Smokies, upper East Tennessee, and western North Carolina.  We were looking at possible places to met up and planning a few things to do together.

After they left we finished up with the laundry and finances and grabbed a quick lunch.  Gene had several errands to run so he scooted off to CVS, Walmart, Ace Hardware, and the Post Office.  That all took a couple hours. While he was gone I got a few household cleaning chores done, not the least of which was to clean out the litter box.  That’s a chore that I hate, but needs to be done frequently to keep the odor at bay.  While I had the hose and soft scrub out, I decided to clean the kitchen trash can.

To rest from the chores, I worked on my knitting project.  I’m pretty focused on this project.  It’s a blanket for my next grand niece due in April.  The goal is to get it finished to deliver to her excited parents when we stop by their home on our way back to Nashville in March.  That’s a priority, so I carve out some time to work on it every day.

Before Gene got back from his errands, that Maineiac, Mike stopped by.  We chatted for a little while.  After Gene got home, Mike came back, bringing Peggy with him this time.  We had a good visit and got to hear the story first hand of their soaking at Busch Gardens.  We grabbed a quick dinner between their visit and an evening of entertainment at the jam session.

Although the activities have been different, today has been much the same.  Various chores (including defrosting the freezer, my least favorite job) with friends drifting in and out.  The highlight of today, however, was the multimeter class taught by Mike for his students, Tony and Gene.  It was something to do with wires, switches, gauges, and electricity.  I’ll defer to Mike for the telling of the details.  Perhaps I should have attended the class.  While the class was going on, us girls (Diana, Peggy, and myself) each did our own thing as well as visited each other at various times and various places.  The class lasted a couple hours.
Class is in session.  You can tell which student is not working up to potential.

Another highlight of our day was the Skype call with Ansley and Kayley.  Kayley is old enough now that she understands better about the Skype call and will sit and talk for a while.  It’s a short while though, then she’s off and running again.  Still, we enjoyed talking with Ansley and seeing big girl, Kayley.

Tonight’s entertainment at the clubhouse promises to be better than the jam session, but we may pass on that.  We’re planning a 10-mile hike for tomorrow and will need to get our packs ready tonight and hit the bed early.  Diana wants to go and she’s already planning for ice cream afterwards.

RV life is so good, but busy, and it’s all fun.  Thanks for tagging along.


  1. sure sounds busy but at least you are fitting in some time for fun!!..happy knitting!!

  2. I agree, Judi. People ask me what we do all day and I have to reply, "I don't know, but we never get done!!!"

  3. Being retired is getting up by 8am with nothing to do and by 5pm getting it all done!

  4. Hi Gene and Judi I retired 2007. I tell people I recommend retirement. I don't get bored and I never get everything done.

    Gene tell me about the Fit battery discharge. We just bought a Fit to tow.

    Thank you

    Paul H
