
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pancakes and Photos

We had a special breakfast this morning.  We were treated to Tony’s old family recipe of buttermilk cornmeal pancakes.  Tony did the cooking and we, along with Mike and Peggy, were served bacon, pancakes with fresh blueberries, and fresh squeezed Florida orange juice from oranges bought yesterday at Ferris Groves.  That’s about the best breakfast a fella can have and it was delicious.  Thank you, Tony and Diana.

After breakfast, we drug out maps and planned our next hiking adventure for later in the week.  With our hiking plans all worked out, Mike and Gene got together to discuss a little project they’ve got going.  I’m not exactly sure what all is involved, but it has to do with wires and switches and the car.  Something about towing.  Maybe I’ll figure it out by the time it’s done.  While they went off to Walmart to purchase supplies, Peggy and I had a few minutes to visit.

In between breakfast, friends, laundry, dinner preparations, and the regular Sunday afternoon ice cream social, I had a few minutes to continue working on my photo project.  I’m moving all my old photos which are stored on CDs to thumb drives.  The primary reason for doing this is that the thumb drives hold more data and take up less space.  Every square inch is precious in a Class C.  Also, it is my understanding that CDs have about a 10 year lifespan.  If that is correct, many of these are reaching their limit.  I’m also saving them to an external hard drive so the thumb drive is probably over kill, but I’d sure hate to loose these old photographs.   The photos posted today were taken in the Okefenokee Swamp in the early 1990s.

Vern will be back tomorrow to finish his work on the leak and install a vent cover.  While Gene spends the morning with Vern, I’m gonna see what kind of treasures I can find at the Webster flee market.

That’s been our day.  Thanks for tagging along.


  1. Great picture with the reflection of the clouds.

  2. nice reflective photos Judy!!..have fun with the photo project!!
