
Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Kink In The Holly Jollies

We have arrived safely in Nashville after almost a month of hiking in Alabama.  It really seems like Christmas to us now--we’re home to wallow in the love and blessings of family.  We may have even had a little more pep in our step this morning, despite the rain, as we busied ourselves with the routine chores of breaking camp and moving.  We were pulling out of the campground at 8 a.m. which is a little earlier than usual for us.

The predictions of rain all day were right on.  Funny how that happened.  Usually the forecasts don’t resemble what actually happens.  Today it did and we drove in rain all day long.  But, traffic was relatively light, except for the rush hour through Birmingham, and we were basking in holiday cheeriness so we were having a fine ride even if it was raining so hard we could hardly see the truck in front of us.

Our trip was about 240 miles, but we seemed to be stopping every little bit.  First was the stop at the campground office to deposit our hang tags, then the stop at the top of the hill to deposit our trash.  Then came the fuel stops.  We stopped for gas near Huntsville, we stopped for propane on Music Valley Drive, and another stop for gas to top off the tank at Joelton.  As the day wore on, our Holly Jollies began to fade.

We finally made it to the campground in Joelton and got set up in our site.  It was an easy pull-thru, but we did have to get out the leveling blocks.  It was still raining and the campground is covered in water.  By the time Gene got everything hooked up he was soaked.  I’m not sure his shoes will be dry by Christmas.

He had checked the electrical post with our little tester, but apparently pulled the tester out before it had time to run through all it’s tests.  Anyway, when he plugged it in on the inside after everything was done outside, we got the “ground fault”.  The campground manager came out, but after all was said and done, we ended up moving to another site.  The second site is actually better, but everything had to be done again, including the leveling blocks.  That’s when we got that severe kink in our Holly Jollies.

Never fear--it’s Christmas and our Holly Jollies will be back tomorrow along with the sunshine.

That’s it for today.  Thanks for tagging along.


  1. Try to get dry and stay that way. Merry Christmas.

  2. hope the new site is a 'holly jolly one'!!..happy holidays to you and Gene and Peanut!!!

  3. Welcome Home. Hope you have a blessed Christmas season with your family. Sorry our schedules wouldn't mesh - next time.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    May God Bless,

  4. Those little stops along the way always seem to eat up so much time, but having to change sites after getting set up would put a kink in anyone's holly jollies!

  5. We too have had those kinds of traveling days. Worse yet, we have done the same dance when it comings to finding out to late that something is wrong with the electricity and having to move.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

