
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Exploring the Unknown

Well, this should be a real adventure.  I feel like I’ve set off into uncharted waters.  Even though I’ve been following many blogs at Blogspot, and I’ve been practicing for several days, this is all pretty new and different.  I’m still working on the page so don’t be surprised to see changes.

Thanks again to everyone who made comments or suggestions.  Those comments were all encouraging.  Rick (Rick & Paulette’s RV Journal) was immensely helpful and he didn’t even know it.  His extensive knowledge of everything technology and his specific posts and articles regarding Blogger were invaluable.  I regularly read several blogs posted on Blogger.  I’ve studied every detail of every one of those blogs.  You have all been a great help.  Thanks a million.

To get me away from the computer, we went for our morning stroll.  Today found us back on the Two Rivers section of the Nashville Greenway.  We parked at Wave Country where we’ve been parking to walk the Shelby Bottoms section.  Today, however, we went the other direction, over the hill, down by McGavock High School and up to Two Rivers Middle School.  That’s where we left the Greenway to explore the unknown.  We turned down a paved road just before the Middle School property.  That lead to the small Two Rivers Lake.  Beyond the lake was Two Rivers Golf Course.  The road came to a dead end so we backtracked to the Greenway.

At the Two Rivers Park Trailhead there is a dirt trail which leads off the Greenway--McGavock Spring House Trail.  Whenever we walk this section, we pass that sign, but have never taken the leap and turned down the trail.  Today we did.  That was more uncharted territory.

Except for the sign by the greenway, the trail is unmarked.  It’s definitely a trail and easy to follow.  However, it hasn’t been maintained recently.  Once we were away from the trailhead, the dirt path became narrow and nearly overgrown.  There were two blowdowns which had to be climbed over.  The trial drops quickly and is really too steep for the tennis shoes we were wearing.  Needed boots for this one and maybe even a trekking pole.

At the bottom of the hill we came to a rickety old bridge.  I let Gene cross first.  It’s our guess that this was the location of the spring house.  Of course, there’s no sign of it now; it’s long gone.  The trail continued on until it came to the lake and the road we’d been on.  We opted to take the road back to avoid crawling over the blowdowns and the steep hill.

The McGavock Spring was the water source for Two Rivers Mansion which is just up the hill.  The mansion was built in the late 1850s by David McGavock and three generations of McGavocks lived in this splendid old house until the mid 1960s.

The junction of the Stones River and the Cumberland River is just a short distance away which probably accounts for the name--Two Rivers Mansion.  Today, the mansion and the property surrounding it are owned by Metro Parks.  The mansion is used for special park events and can also be rented for weddings and such.

That’s about all the unknown I want to explore for one day.

Thanks for tagging along.


  1. I also use Blogger but I'm way behind.
    We will tag along, too.

  2. Your blog looks very nice and you've done well with it. Rick did post a help notes on several items if you need to find it, let me know. I have a copy of it and can shoot it to you.
    I bet ya'll enjoyed the hike.

  3. welcome to 'blogspot' Judy!! glad you made the switch..I started with a trip journal but as you can see from my blog I much prefer this platform!..way more interaction and have made a ton of blogging buddies!!!
    does this mean you won't be using the trip journal?..
