
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Whitehorse, Day 3

Our third full day in Whitehorse was filled with a wide variety of experiences.  We started out slow and easy.  Once we got started, things seemed to move along rather rapidly for the rest of the day.

The morning was devoted to errands downtown.  The post office was first on the list.  We studied our small city map and thought we had come to the right place, but there was no Post Office in sight.  Where the Post Office should have been was a drug store.  As I was staring at the drug store trying to figure out what happened to the Post Office, I noticed a small sign by the door that read, “Canada Post”.  We went in the drug store, through another door, down a flight of stairs and into the Post Office.  We discovered as we left that we could have come in a different entrance from the street and not gone through the drug store, but who knew?

The bank was next on our list.  The government campgrounds have iron rangers that take cash only.  Since the fees are $12 we needed lots of $10s and $1s.  We were able to find a bank easily.   It seems like every other building is a financial establishment of some sort.  Gene pulled on the door and it was locked tighter than Dick’s hat band.  The sign on the door said they opened at 9:30.  Since that was still twenty minutes away, we decided to walk around town to make pictures of some of the murals.

Without much time on the internet I haven’t been able to research the story behind the murals, but there are many, many around town.  For the most part, the murals depict some aspect of Whitehorse and/or Yukon history.  Perhaps the most interesting was the large mural painted on the backs of some of the stores on Main Street.  Painted on the back of 5 or 6 stores in a row is a mural of early 1900 store fronts.  When I first saw it, I thought it was stores.

On our walk about town we found a different bank that was open.  It was very busy (no wonder since the other banks were still closed) so while Gene stood in line I sat in a chair and watched the people.  One lady had on a jacket I really liked; now I’m gonna have to go searching for something similar.  A man’s hat caught my attention.  In large letters--MONEY TALKS.  In smaller letters--”mine just says goodbye”.

With the money business taken are of, we set out to find internet.  We had the name of a small cafe which we wanted to try, but it was overrun with customers.  Too noisy and too many people for what we wanted to do so we walked back a couple blocks to Starbucks.  An hour or so on the internet and it was time to head home for lunch.

To aid our digestive process, we decided to do a lap around the campground.  Mostly, we were just being nosey about who had left and who had come in.  On he way around the loop, we passed the Wolf Creek trailhead.  We read the sign and decided to do the 3K Yukon River hike.  The trail was very well maintained and had some great views of the river.  Along the trail we found a geocache.  We weren’t even looking for it and didn’t even know there was one in the area.

Gene didn’t quite finish cleaning the bugs off the motor home yesterday.  While he was rubbing on the cab over, one of our neighbors invited us over for happy hour and a little chitchat.  Mike, originally from Great Britain, has lived in the Yukon since the 60s.  I think he was just lonely for someone to talk to.  He certainly entertained us with some wild stories.

So, a very busy day and most of it totally unplanned.  That’s it.  Thanks for tagging along.

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