
Friday, August 6, 2010

Up and Running

We made the drive to Auburn yesterday to get Gene a new computer.  He had looked at several on-line, finally settling on a Sony.  He spent the rest of the day getting everything set up.  So far, he’s happy with his new baby.

There were a couple hair-raising moments when he thought he didn’t have Microsoft Office. It was crucial that the new computer have Office.  In Gene’s conversations with the geek at Best Buy as well as the salesperson, he stressed the importance of having Office.  Both of these folks assured him that it was preloaded on the computer.  When he tried to open it, however, he discovered that it was a limited edition with only the basic Word and Excel software.  At first, he thought it was a “trial” edition, but that is not the case.  It’s just limited to Word and Excel.  Since that’s all he ever uses, it will be fine,  but that whole discovery process was nerve wracking.

After two days of dealing with that frustrating situation, we needed a day on the trail and in the woods.  We found a trail close by that didn’t look too steep.  It turned out to be wonderful.  We followed Stoney Brook which we crossed a couple times.  The trail was mostly dirt with very few rocks and a very gentle uphill grade.  When we got up far enough for there to be larger rocks and a little scrambling, we turned around.  Found a nice place for lunch at one of the creek crossings.

An old commercial truck by the side of the trail

We got off the trail just in time.  The cold front moved through along with a little rain.  Now the temperatures are in the low 60s and supposed to be in the 40s tonight.  It seems almost like fall.

Stoney Brook

Time for me to work on dinner while Gene discovers what we’ll do tomorrow.

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