
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Highwater Trail

We found another easy trail today.  The Highwater Trail runs a total of 9.6 miles.  We tried to do the upper 3 miles a few days ago, but turned back because of a difficult stream crossing.

Today, we started at the lower end and hiked along the Wild River for about 4 miles.  We crossed several small brooks along the way, but nothing that posed any problems.  In fact, most of these small streams were so narrow we could almost step over them.

It was a very pleasant hike on an almost soft treadway covered in leaves or pine needles with very few roots and hardly any rocks.  The only thing we were disappointed in was not having a nice rock with a view of the river for our lunch break.  We ended up sitting on my poncho at the edge of the trail.  It was alright, though, cause the ground was soft with a thick layer of leaves.

Bridge over Wild River

Gene brought along the stove again today, but it was too hot and humid for me to want a hot beverage for lunch.  He, however, just so he could play with his stove, made himself a cup of hot chocolate.

There are storms in the forecast for this afternoon and the sky is already beginning to look threatening.  After this weather rolls through, we should have clear skies for the next three days.  That’s good, cause a couple of our hiking buddies from Nashville are arriving today to hike the high peaks.

Our very good friend, Herb, has been going out on the Appalachian Trail for a few weeks every year for several years.  He started at Springer Mountain in Georgia and has worked his way north.  This year he plans to finish his trek of the AT, beginning at Crawford Notch and finishing on top of Mt Kathadin.

Over the years we’ve known Herb (about 12-15 years), he’s been one of those friends we could depend on through think and thin.  He has come to our rescue numerous times.  Our purpose in coming to New England this summer was to support Herb in his last AT section.  It’s just a little way to pay him back for all the help he’s been to us.

We’ll meet him for breakfast in the morning at Pinkham Notch, then shuttle him around to Crawford Notch where he will begin his hike.  As he moves north, we’ll meet him at the road crossings and shuttle him into town for his resupplies.  We love ya, Herb, and we’re looking forward to being your “people”.

Herb’s not hiking alone; another of our friends, Dwight, will be doing the entire 345 mile section with him.  There is also another fellow coming (whom we haven’t met) who will only be doing the section through the White’s.  We are all anxious for this great adventure to get started.

So, I think that’s all I know for today.

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