
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Settled in Thomaston, Connecticut

We arrived at our campground in Thomaston, Connecticut after a very stressful day on the road.  The population density around the New York and Boston vicinity makes for very heavy traffic.  We changed interstates a few times, passed through three toll booths, and encountered a couple areas of construction, all of which drove up the stress level.  The road surfaces were badly deteriorated in places which not only caused a rough ride, but shook things loose inside the Everest.  So far I haven’t found anything actually broken.  The “check engine” light came on which caused a few moments of panic until we realized it was just a reminder to have the oil changed.

Although the heat has moderated a few degrees today, it still was a major factor in creating an unpleasant day.  By the time we got parked in our site this afternoon, the AC had been off for more than seven hours.  It was 96 degrees inside the Everest.  Thankfully, our campsite is shaded so we cooled down pretty quickly.  The refrigerator is still struggling.

We were also very disappointed with the campground.  We expected to have cable and WiFi based on the description in the campground guide book.  When we got here, we learned that only some sites have cable and none of those sites were available.  Since we had battled the afternoon sun at our last campground, Gene asked for a shaded site.  We are tucked away in so many trees it is hard to tell if it is light out.  However, the WiFi doesn’t reach to this part of the campground.  I guess, I’d rather have the shade anyway.

After we got set up, Gene got on the phone calling the outfitters in the area.  We want the ATC guidebook and maps for Connecticut.  Several weeks ago, we has stopped in at ATC in Harpers Ferry, but they were sold out.  We didn’t think much about it and just figured we’d get them when we got here.  Come to find out, the new edition did not come out as scheduled and the old edition is sold out--not just at Harpers Ferry, but all along the Appalachian Mountain chain.  Eastern Mountain Sports finally found an old edition in one of their stores in Massachusetts.  Gene called them and they wanted to charge $30 to ship it to us.  Thanks, but no thanks.  We finally decided we’d just use the 2010 Data book and 2010 Thru-hiker Companion and follow the white blazes on the trees.  Who needs a map anyway; it’s just something else to carry?  Seriously, I like having the map, especially when trying to find these tiny parking lots.  I also like the trail profile.  Looking at the profile usually gives me a headache, but I like having it anyway.

There is a new “alternative” guide book out that EMS has on hand, but the reports we’ve heard from some hikers are not good.  We decided to pass on that, as well.

Gene couldn’t get an appointment at the Ford dealership for tomorrow so I guess we’ll just have to go hiking.  There is only about 50 miles of AT in Connecticut; we’d like to get that done.  Not all tomorrow, of course.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

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