
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stormy Day in Tennessee

Like so many in this part of the country, we are getting a lot of rain along with a few thunderstorms today.  We have been lucky compared to some--mostly rain with mild storms.

This morning was intermittent sprinkles, so Gene was able to get all of his outdoor chores done in preparation for leaving on Monday.  Well, I say “all”; what I really mean is all that he could do this early.  The hitch is cleaned and lubricated, the inside of the truck is clean, all the outdoor stuff (welcome mat, flags, flag stand, ladder) are put away.

I did one last load of laundry this morning and was able to get back and forth from the laundry building without getting wet.  I’m going to miss the laundry facility here.  I think I said earlier this is a new campground and therefore all the facilities are new.  They have  front-loading washers which I really like.  The dryers are also new, of course, and haven’t gotten to the stage of not heating well.  The price is not too bad, either, at $3 per load.

The afternoon has been pretty wet, so we’ve stayed inside.  We had a few waves of thunder and lightning, even knocked out the electricity one time.  I got my vacuuming done and the floors mopped.  There was plenty of time left over for internet/computer stuff, reading, knitting, and napping.  Sounds like we had a pretty lazy day.

According to the weather forecast (if you can believe that) the storms will continue overnight and clear out in the morning.  I’m going to be bored sitting inside all day again tomorrow, so if the skies clear by the afternoon, we’ll probably go out for a short hike.

That’s it from East Tennessee for today.

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