
Monday, April 12, 2010

Flowers on Chestnut Top Trail

Well, our day didn’t get off to a very good start and, as a result, we didn’t get to do the hike we had originally planned.  No problem, though.  What we got was just fine.

We were real proud of ourselves getting into the truck this morning for a long drive over to Fighting Gap and the Sugarland Mountain trailhead.  After 45 minutes on the road, and when we were almost within sight of the trail, we remembered that we hadn’t set the air conditioner for the Peanut.  With temperatures forecasted for the low 70s and no shade in our campsite, we had no choice but to go back to take care of our precious kitty.  We got back in just under 45 minutes, but by that time it was mid morning and not enough time to allow for another 45 minute drive to Fighting Gap to start a 10 mile hike.

Since we had already been on the road for an hour and a half, we opted to go to the closest trailhead--Chestnut Top.  It turned out to be an unexpected blessing.  This trail has the reputation for great spring wildflowers and we were certainly treated to a fine display this morning.  Not only were the wildflowers gorgeous, but there was also a park volunteer on the trail (with a flower book in hand) who was able to give us the names of several we didn’t recognize.

After a very slow start examining flowers, talking to the volunteer, and taking pictures, we pushed our way on to the top of Chestnut Top for a lunch break at what has become our regular spot.  It turned out to be a fantastic hike.  We’ll get over to Sugarland Mountain trail later in the week.

Enjoy the photos.  I had my small camera, so the pictures are not as sharp, but you’ll get the idea, I’m sure.

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