
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Rain Day

The day dawned cloudy and the rain started almost before we had finished breakfast.  I got hiking in the rain out of my system last week and had no intention of getting out there in it today.  To tell the truth, I was a little excited to see the rain this morning.  I had not sufficiently recovered from our hike yesterday to be too enthusiastic about going out again today.

Consequently, today has been a very relaxing day.  I suppose I could have run the vacuum and done a load of laundry, but I didn’t.  So as not to appear entirely useless, I did wipe out the microwave and wash the grease filters over the stove.

Gene was finally able to secure a reservation for our month-long stay near Harper’s Ferry, WV.  He had hoped to find a campground in Harper’s Ferry, but there were none that met our standards for ratings and price range.  It appears that anything remotely close to Washington, DC is very expensive.  He finally found a campground in Winchester, VA that could accommodate us for the month of June plus the 4th of July weekend, had fairly decent ratings, and won’t break the bank.  I should say that the KOA in Harper’s Ferry was cheaper by a couple hundred bucks, but they don’t do reservations.  Given the proximity to DC and the Memorial Day and July 4th holidays, we didn’t want to take a chance on not having a reservation.  However, if we find they have a space for us, we may forfeit our $100 deposit in Winchester.

Otherwise, we have occupied our time reading, knitting, surfing the internet, and napping.  And the rain has continued all day.

It’s not much, but it’s all there is for today.

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