
Monday, March 1, 2010

Dental Work

We were not at all enthusiastic about coming 250 miles north with all the winter weather still hanging on, but this has been a very pleasant day.  The temps are a little cool, but the sun has been bright all day.  Plus, the green leaves on the live oaks in our campground give the illusion of spring.

Gene’s dental appointment was this afternoon.  I didn’t go with him because I had cookies to bake and dinner to prepare for my brother.  This was his first appointment and was supposed to be short with just an evaluation of the tooth needing repair.  Since his appointment was at 1:30, I expected him home no later than 3:30.   When 4 o’clock came and went I began to get worried.

As it turned out, the dentist had rearranged her afternoon schedule to accommodate Gene and she was able not only to do the evaluation and x-rays, but also prep his tooth and put on the temporary crown.  Great!  Now we only have to wait for the crown to be made and he has an appointment to have it put on the 19th.  Tomorrow, we’ll sit down with our maps, brochures, and guidebooks and make a plan for our stay in Perry.

Dinner with my brother was great.  Hadn’t seen him since Thanksgiving, so it was good to catch up again.  He has had back surgery since then and was not feeling up to a long visit after his first full day back at work.  We’ll have plenty of other opportunities to visit during the next 3 weeks.

There you have it for today.

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