
Saturday, December 12, 2009

'Tis The Season To Be Busy

Goodness gracious, this has been a busy week.

We have had some wonderful visits with friends.  Tuesday evening I had dinner with a couple of my team members from my school teaching days.  We went to the same restaurant (J. Alexander’s) that has become our “traditional” place to gather I think since it opened 15 or so years ago.  The food was wonderful, as always, but seeing my friends was what it was all about.  Thursday evening we had dinner with good friends and hiking buddies, Doug and Diana.  Diana made a wonderful pizza for us.  We got caught up with what all they have been doing this year and some of their plans for the coming year.  Yesterday, long-time hiking and backpacking buddies, Patricia and Jeff, came up from Tullahoma for a visit.  We had what our fellow RVer, Darrell, would call a “chat and chew”--talk and eat.  We hadn’t seen Jeff and Patricia in several years and it was great to see them again and catch up on their goin’s on.  They are not yet RVers, but are getting the bug and have been window shopping a couple times. It was fun showing them around our rig and talking RV shop.  We really appreciate them driving all that way for a visit.  That means a great deal to us.

Friends haven’t been the only thing to occupy our time this week.  There has been some family stuff as well.  I spent the afternoon Tuesday with my mother.  She is doing much better since her little stay in the hospital.  We didn’t do anything in particular, but sometimes it is great just to sit and talk.  Usually we are busy preparing a meal or some other activity and don’t just sit down and talk.  That was nice.  Yesterday afternoon and evening, we had a babysitting gig with Kayley.  Jack and Ansley were due (they may say overdue) for a night out.  We were excited to be the ones to babysit Kayley.  Big Dad (grandpa) had visions of playing the whole time, but Kayley chose to sleep.  It was fun to watch her sleep, though, and we had a great time.

In between all this fun stuff, we have been cooking, cleaning, and buying propane. It has been very cold in middle Tennessee this week making us soooo ready to head south.  We stay warm, of course, but it does take a lot of propane.  We are grateful for every day that the sun is shining.  Even if it is cold outside, the sun through the windows warms us up nicely and it keeps the furnace from running so much.

Today, we are dressed up in layer after layer of clothing and are heading out to the trail.  One of our hiking club friends is leading a hike at Beaman Park this morning and we want to join her and the rest of the gang for a brisk walk on this cold morning.

That’s it for now.

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