
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow on the Sewer Hose

Yesterday was cold and gray with light rain and even a little frozen specks falling in the afternoon.  This is winter in Tennessee, at least in the Nashville area.  There has been little snow in the past several years in Middle Tennessee.  East Tennessee, on the Cumberland Plateau and then farther east in the mountains, of course, is very likely to get snow.  We, however, are usually spared the white stuff.  We stayed inside close to the fireplace for most of the day.

Our annual hiking club holiday party was last night.  We donned our seasonal head gear and braved the weather to enjoy the festivities.  It was fun and gave us the chance to see all those folks we don’t see any other time of the year.  It was also the last chance to visit with all our hiking buddies until we are back in Nashville in 2010.

As we were driving home from the party, we noticed real snow in the beams of our headlights.  We woke up this morning to snow on the sewer hose.  Surely, it is time to head south.  At least it is time to start the preparations for leaving.  This morning, in the cold, Gene took the tire covers off.

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night will stay these grandparents form a little Kayley time.   Other than the party last night, our only other trip outside was to visit this sweet child.

We plan to spend today inside getting other things done in anticipation of moving.  Gene asked me this morning when I was going to take the Christmas decorations down.  I had to confess I had almost done it last week.  Is that a sign that I’m ready to go or what?  I guess I’ll save that chore for the day after Christmas.  I have plenty other stuff to keep me busy today.

So, with visions of Florida dancing in my head, I turn my attention to chores.

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