
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

More Blessings to Count

All in all this has been a good day and for that we are grateful.

My mother continues to improve and was able to be moved from ICU to a regular room this afternoon.  There is a good possibility she will be able to come home tomorrow.

As we think about all the blessings we enjoy each day, this year we are especially thankful for a healthy granddaughter.  She is sucking down the grub and has gained 2 pounds since she came home from the hospital.  Her mom and dad are adjusting very well to parenthood.  We have enjoyed being able to watch as baby, parents, and household pets get started on a new life together.  For all these things we are grateful.

Gene and I both have visited our doctors and have each received a clean bill of health.  Our good health allows us to continue this wandering lifestyle of full-time RVers.  What a blessing that is.

Through this wandering lifestyle we have had the opportunity this year to meet several new friends who share the wanderlust.  We have also enjoyed getting together with   longtime friends as our paths have crossed.  One of these friends wrote in his blog a few days ago about how much more valuable family and friends are than material things.  How true that is.  Communicating and spending time with friends and family enriches our lives like nothing else can.

Traveling around this great land affords us the opportunity not only to be eye witnesses to the physical grandeur of our nation, but to also experience its diversity of people and culture.  This is a great nation we call home and we are ever grateful for those who have given their lives for our freedom.

Thank you, Lord, for the blessings we enjoy each day.

We sincerely hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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