
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Turning East

Our time on the west coast has come to an end.  Tomorrow we turn our rig eastward and begin our journey to Tennessee.

Today, we have cleaned both the Everest and the truck and made preparations for travel.  I do the inside stuff which is usually very easy and only takes a few minutes.  Today, however, I had more than usual cleaning to do since I had not done much while my parents were here.  I also had that kitchen cabinet to clean and disinfect where the mouse had taken up residence.  I’ve gotten it all done except the laundry.  I just couldn’t work up the where-with-all to do that chore.  I think it was the rain.  It was easier to stay inside than to walk back and forth in the rain to the laundry room.

I am not as diligent about putting things back in a travel safe position when we are parked somewhere for an extended period.  Today, I went through all the cabinets and refrigerator making sure everything was turned so as not to fall over or rub against something else.  All is ready now.  In the morning it will be a simple matter to move the coffee pot to the trash can, the toaster to the sink, and turn the recliners around.

We plan to make a pretty steady run to Tennessee driving 200-300 miles each day for two or three days, then take a day off.  We only have one stop where we plan to stay for  several days--Custer, South Dakota.  We are hoping to be back in Nashville by the first of October.

This evening we will have our last meal with our friends, Tony and Diana, until we meet again.  We’re surely going to miss them.  We’re going back to that small restaurant with the great blackberry shakes.  I’m having fish and chips since I have managed to spend an entire month on the Olympic Peninsula and not had any yet.

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