
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Elwha Dam RV Park

This has been a slow, relaxing day.  Although we got up at the usual time, we didn’t get moving too quickly, preferring to sip coffee rather than rush out the door.  By midmorning we had summoned the energy to make a trip to Wal-mart.  It was a quick trip and we were back home for lunch.

You know they say about RVing, if you buy something new, then something old has to go.  One of the things we got at Wal-Mart was a new soft-sided cooler.  We have used the one we have so much it is pulling apart at the seams.  It is also one of the smallest we  could find which is sufficient if we are only taking a couple cokes and a sandwich for lunch.  However, if we’re planning to be out all day and want a couple extra cokes in the afternoon, or if I want to take a pasta salad instead of sandwiches for lunch, this little one is just too small.  We got one today that is a little larger, but it wouldn’t fit in the same space in the cabinet allotted to the smaller one.  I spent a couple hours after lunch rearranging all the cabinets in the living area to accommodate that larger cooler.  I got it done and I actually like the new arrangement better than the old.

Gene spent his time this afternoon continuing his washing and waxing of the Everest.  One of his goals this month is to get the entire trailer waxed and the roof cleaned.  He does a little at a time; he’s making progress.

I have made a few photos of Elwha Dam RV Park which I wanted to share.  This is a very nice campground, has a great reputation and good ratings, and is almost full every night.  We have enjoyed being here this week and are looking forward to the rest of our month here.

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