
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Catching Up on Chores

Having had a busy week, first with a sick Peanut then hiking with friends, we were in need of a day to catch up on things.  I really would have enjoyed lounging around this morning, but I didn’t want to have to wait for the washing machine.  Since doing a load of hiking clothes was critical, I forced myself out the door with the laundry basket early.  With that chore behind me, we downed a breakfast of pancakes and sausage and cleaned up that mess before heading out to the grocery.  It seemed like everything needed to be done before lunch.

When any two people get together, they bring to that relationship their individual personalities, experiences, and knowledge.  If the two people have a common interest, then they can expand each others knowledge base as it relates to that interest.  Knowledge was certainly flowing this afternoon as Gene and Tony took advantage of the other’s expertise in the hidden passages in GPS navigation (Tony as expert) and pinpointing the local weather forecast (Gene as expert).  Tony and Diana are also experts on high tech communication with family via Skype software.  We want to take advantage of that knowledge before they leave for the next leg of their journey.

With chores out of the way, we have been able to catch up on relaxing this afternoon.  Tony and Diana have invited us over for dinner this evening, so I can really take the afternoon off.  What a nice treat.

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