
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oregon On The Map

It is hard to believe half of the year is history now.  Well, in some ways it does, anyway.  Most of the time I still think we are in winter.  Maybe that is because we still have the heat on almost every night and we rarely turn on the AC.  At other times, it is hard to believe we have been so many places and seen so many things since we left Nashville at the end of December.  Texas and New Mexico seem like ancient history.

Today, we stuck close to home doing mostly household chores.  Peanut was happy to have us around all day and I even took him outside for a short time.  Our next door neighbor here is big into rocks.  We went over to examine her collection this afternoon.  She, along with several others in the park, regularly scavenge the beach for agates, jasmine, and even petrified wood.  She then puts her rocks in a tumbler (maybe an agitator is a more accurate term) to grind down and polish the stones.  She has a very nice collection which will eventually become part of her “waterfall” or a piece of jewelry.

Fellow travelers and friends, Gordon and Juanita, came for dinner this evening.  Although we have seen them around the park, particularly at the morning coffee and afternoon social hour, we have each been busy with various activities and unable to get together for extended conversation and fellowship.  It was good to be able to spend a couple hours talking about our mutual love of the RVing lifestyle. We asked them to do us the honor of placing Oregon on our “see all of America the Beautiful” map which we proudly display on our truck.  Thank you, friends, for sharing this evening with us.

Tomorrow--I think Gene has a hike planned.  I’m not sure of the details, but whatever we do I’m sure will be just fine.

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