
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Port Orford Village

We are settled on the Oregon Coast for our 11 day stay in the area.  We arrived here in the early afternoon after a 2-day drive from Fort Klamath.

Our first travel day was a 130 mile run to Grant’s Pass.  This was a relatively easy day.  We didn’t leave Fort Klamath until about 11 AM.  Since we had a short drive, we didn’t want to get to our overnight parking lot at Wal-Mart too early.  Unfortunately, this turned out to be one of the warmest days this season.  Since we had a few groceries to pick up, we spent more time than really necessary enjoying the air conditioning and browsing the deli.

Today, we followed US 199 from Grant’s Pass south into California to US 101.  We then followed 101 north along the coast to Port Orford.  The scenery was breathtaking, especially after we got to the coast.  However, the drive along US 199 was, though scenic, a bit hair-raising.  In California the road passed through redwood groves where these giant trees were growing right at the edge of the roadway.  One tree had been hit so many times that it had a gouge in its trunk about where our Everest would have hit.  This huge tree was also sitting at the inside of a blind curve.  We happened to be at this exact location at the same time that a Cardinal 5-wheel came around the curve.  Somehow, we all got by without a scratch.  I spent the rest of the trip trying to avoid a panic attack.  Somehow, I escaped that also.  Thank you, Lord.

US 101 was one curve after another, but the road was wider and we did not encounter a single tree in the road.  There was a detour in the small town of Brookings which we misunderstood and ended up having to turn around in the driveway of a vacated house.  Thankfully, there were no trees or even shrubbery so we were able to combine lots of yard in our turn and soon got back on track.

Port Orford Village RV park is a beautifully landscaped small RV park.  The owner’s, Cindy and Tim, are constantly looking for ways to make their guests feel at home and have what they need for an enjoyable stay.  There are several planned social activities, one of which is the daily 4 pm social hour.  Many of us gathered around in the semi-outdoor social room and we met several of our new neighbors.

Also here, just arriving today, are Gordon, Juanita, and their furry companion, Bodie.  We have followed their adventures through their blog, Seeing the USA in our Chevrolet, for a couple years.  We finally got to meet these good people last winter while we were in the Rio Grande Valley.  We were excited to see them again today.  In fact, Gordon came out to meet us as we were getting registered at the office.

After social hour, we needed to fill our tummies.  Upon high recommendation, we ended up at the Crazy Norwegian for fish and chips.  Yummy.  We were not disappointed.  Behind the Crazy Norwegian was a fantastic view of the rugged Oregon coast and the Pacific Ocean.

We are anxious to get started with our exploration of this area.

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