
Monday, June 22, 2009

From the Cow Pasture

This is my new internet “hot spot”.  While it is a little inconvenient, it is such an adventure.  The view is far better than Starbucks, but it doesn’t smell quite so nice.  This is actually a scenic view pullout on Oregon 62 just past Fort Klamath.

Yesterday, when we came up here, we pulled off the road and almost immediately a car pulled in front of us with Tennessee (Nashville, Davidson County) tags.  Wow, I couldn’t believe it.  Gene went out to introduce himself, but it turned out that the car was a rental and the folks were Canadians.  Before Gene could get back into the truck, another car stopped to inquire directions to a scenic byway he wanted to travel.  During the 20 minutes or so we were parked there, almost every car that came by pulled over to take a look.  A few took pictures of the cows.  When we left there were 2 cars still there.  In the first car, a picnic was going on; in the second the driver was on the phone.  Perhaps this is truly the local “hot spot” for a cell signal.

According to the local weather forecast, tomorrow (Tuesday) is supposed to be the best day for bright sunny skies.  We decided to hold off until then for another visit to Crater Lake.  As you can see from the photo above, clouds and fog do no offer the best views of the lake.  We’ll wait to make the 25 mile drive when we will have the best chance for great views.

We are staying in the tiny village of Fort Klamath.  About the  only thing here is the General Store, our campground, the Post Office, and a small motel.  This was really an army outpost to protect the settlers during the early 1800s.  It is beautiful, flat farmland nestled between the mountains.  Today it is large cattle ranches.  Our weather has been cool with a low temperature last night of 34.  It is supposed to get to 70 this afternoon, but it better hurry.

Since we didn’t drive up to Crater Lake today, we used the day for chores.  Gene spent most of the morning working on our travel plans for the next couple months.  I did the house cleaning including the dreaded freezer defrosting.  Peanut hates the vacuum so he ran from one end of the Everest to the other trying to escape that monster.  After the vacuuming was completed, having exhausted himself, he napped the rest of the morning.

It has actually been nice to have a couple days to hang around the ole home place and get caught up on chores and rest a little.  We where on the go almost nonstop while at Lassen.  It was time for a more relaxed schedule.

So, I’m sending this to you from the cow pasture hoping you are having as blessed a day as we are.

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