
Friday, April 17, 2009

Winter Has Finally Caught Up With Us

Just after breakfast this morning I noticed the snow falling.  All day there has been a mix of light snow and rain with temperatures in the low 40s.  It is a miserable day to be outside.

Unfortunately, we are parked in a different location from where the seminars and exhibits are being held.  We don’t take much to the idea of braving the elements along with Albuquerque traffic to make our way across town to the Expo center.  That leaves only one options—ride the shuttle bus.  When we got to the bus stop this morning, it was like one of those squiggly lines at Disney World. We stood in the cold for 50 minutes to catch the bus.  When we arrived at Expo, we, like the other 5,000 people here, went into the exhibit hall.  I was able to stand the crowds for about an hour before I had to leave.

I stayed long enough to find a great little stovetop grill pan.  I watched the demonstration twice before deciding (or maybe that was because they were passing out free chicken at the end of each demonstration).  Anyway, I got one.  The lady behind me on the bus on my way home, was singing the praises of “Grill It!”  She has had one for a while.  I used it to cook the salmon for our dinner.  It worked great.

This evening, we are heading over to the entertainment tent to hear Neil Sedaka.  That should be fun.

Tomorrow will be more rally.  Hopefully the weather will improve.

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