
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Is That Rain?

Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, I was awakened by light raindrops hitting our rubber roof.  What a surprise.  We haven’t had rain in several weeks, the last time being when we were in San Antonio.  It has rained most of the day, sometimes heavily, and around 7 am with thunder and lightning action.  Occasionally, the skies would lighten up some, but would soon cloud over again and drop more rain.  The temperature has remained pretty steady at about 45 degrees.  All in all, a rainy spring day.

As for ourselves, we were glad to see the rain in what seems to us a parched, desert environment.  We took advantage by staying inside and resting from our active day yesterday.  Gene spent considerable time on-line studying the Rally schedule which starts next week.  He also wants to have the wheel bearings repacked while we are in Albuquerque so he called several places for prices and availability of service on or near the last day of the rally.  Between rain showers, he went out to rub some of the dust off the trailer, especially around crevices where dust can easily collect.

I piddled the day away by doing some knitting, some sudoku, some menu planning, some perusing my cookbooks, and making a grocery list.  I got caught up with my favorite bloggers and email.  So far, no chores have gotten done today.  The only chore I had on my list (clean the kitchen sinks) has yet to be done.  Since we had a no place to be in a hurry to get to this morning, I fixed a sausage casserole for our breakfast.  That was a special treat which usually only occurs during the holiday season.  We even brewed a second pot of coffee this morning which will probably make my stomach hurt tonight.

Peanut has also enjoyed himself with all the special attention he has gotten with his mommy and daddy home all day.
A camping set up we saw at Bandelier
After the Rally, our next major stop will be Grand Canyon.  In anticipation of that trip, we watched a National Geographic documentary on the canyon.  With our interest piqued, Gene dug out the campground books to research campgrounds in the area and got back on the internet to search out trail descriptions in the park.
St Francis Catholic School
Tomorrow, even though there is still a 40% chance of rain in the forecast, we are planning another hike into the mountains.

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