
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Overcast, But No Rain

We have had very dry conditions for the past 3 or 4 years in Tennessee, but I don’t think I have ever seen any place as dry as South Texas.  I don’t know how much of this is normal for this part of the country, however, there have been several indications that this is not normal.  For one, several have said things like, “it is so dry this year,” or “it hasn’t rained in so long”.  Two or three times we have heard the statement, “it hasn’t rained since October”.  At first, I thought that an exaggeration, but as I look around at the miles and miles of brown ground, I am beginning to believe it.  One thing I do know—we’ve been in Texas since January 21st and it has rained either a few short heavy bursts or a few sprinkles a half dozen times—but nothing like a slow, steady rain which is needed.  For another, in our driving around we have noticed the dry creek and river beds.  We have driven over numerous bridges bearing the name of a creek or river below which turned out to be bone dry.  Another indication that this is not normal is the numerous “pray for rain” signs we have seen posted along the roadways.  Ranchers have them attached to their fence rows.

If there ever was a good day for rain, this was it.  It has been overcast all day with heavy, dark clouds in the sky this morning.  They floated on by, however, without so much as a sprinkle.

After our big day yesterday, we weren’t much in the mood to take to the road today.  We sipped our coffee and had a big breakfast of turkey sausage and pancakes.  Gene got busy with trying to get our reservations for a campground near Big Bend National Park and I worked some on moving photos from my hard drive to CD.  Mid-morning we took a break to go for a walk around the campground, then made a quick trip to the post office and stopped at Wal-Mart for a couple items.  You would have thought this was April 15th for the number of folks at the post office this morning.  Then it seemed like they all ran over to Wal-Mart to stand in front of the tomatoes and avocados.  I don’t recall having to wait my turn at the tomatoes and avocados before.

I had intended to do some laundry this afternoon, but I haven’t felt my usual perky self today.  Peanut and I took a nap instead while Gene rubbed on the Montana some.

I expect tomorrow may be another day very like today, except I will definitely have to do laundry.  We are planning another big day Monday with a drive to Johnson City for the LBJ stuff.

Don’t forget to spring your clocks forward tonight for the beginning of Daylight Savings Time.

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