
Monday, March 16, 2009

In a Holding Pattern

We got started on our chores bright and early this morning.  Gene got a lot of the outdoor stuff taken care of—put the ladder in the truck, aired up the tires, cleaned the truck windows.  My day was busy in the kitchen.  We had signed up to attend the potluck dinner at the campground club house this evening.  I had two dishes to prepare for that.  Our journey to Big Bend will take 2 travel days, the first of which we plan to boondock.  I need a dinner for that first night which will require no preparation.  Salads always pop to mind first.  This time it was pasta salad with cold grilled salmon.

All of these preparations were well underway when we had a discussion regarding a medical procedure one of our family members is having this week.  Weighing the pros and cons of driving 350 miles further west, we finally decided it would be in our best interest to extend here for two days to get the results of that procedure.  If all is well, and we expect that it will be, then we can continue on our way on Thursday.  If not, and we feel we need to return to Nashville, then we will be in a far better position to start that eastward trip from here.  So we are waiting.

Having already thawed the salmon, I needed to go ahead and cook that.  I had planned for chicken pot pie for the night we arrived in Big Bend and wanted to have all the ingredients ready for a quick fix once we got settled.  The chicken was thawed so I needed to cook it and chop and cook the vegetables.  It seemed I was in the kitchen all day long.

We tried for the bakery this morning, but it is closed on Monday.  We tried for a walk around the campground also, but we ran into a group of Escapees here for a rally—Class of 2007—and spent most of our walking time talking to them.

Now that we have a couple extra days here we needed to come up with something to do.  Because of the rain last week, we had ditched our plan to go to Enchanted Rock State Park.  It had been recommended by several so it is back on the agenda for tomorrow.

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