
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Out with the Camera

It seems like about every other day I have some complaint about the wind.  I’m sure you are tired of hearing it by now.  So I’m only going to make one comment today.  The wind woke me up at 3 AM, we have had gusts over 40 mph today, and we have discussed where we could move that would be wind free.  It that really the same as three comments?  Oh well, it’s windy!

On an entirely different subject that I have spoken about before—I rarely go anywhere without my camera.  Each day when I post photos, I try to select the best and only use those which pertain to the discussion of the day.  Others that I’d really like to share go in a special folder to await a really boring day in the life of the Curps.  Today is one of those days in which we stayed inside except for grocery and laundry.  So, here are those photos.

There are several flowering shrubs which is pretty cool considering it is only February.  There are two or three taken on our tour of the missions yesterday.  Then there is my favorite—hay bale art.  Clearly, somebody had time on their hands.

Training wheels?

Tomorrow, we hikers are going hiking.  Now that’s a switch.

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