
Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentine

This is a special day for someone special.  The number one someone special in my life is my sweet husband.  We started out our day with pancakes and sausage.  That is just about his favorite for breakfast.  For lunch, he took me to a highly recommended Mexican place, Los Vegas Restaurant.  It is very popular with the locals and even though we went late for lunch it was still crowded.  I had fajita quesadillas which were excellent.   I think I brought home more than I ate the portion was go huge.  Gene ordered a cheese enchilada which was outstanding and beef fajita.  We brought his beans and rice home.  The homemade tostado chips were very good, also, but were just a tad too greasy for my delicate stomach.  Tonight’s dinner will consist of a hodgepodge of leftovers from lunch and tamales from yesterday.  We’re certainly getting our Mexican food fix this weekend.  We may have to spend tomorrow walking to burn some of the calories we are consuming today.

We often have folks ask how we stand living 24/7 together in such a small space.  I have to say right off the bat that it is easy.  We’re best friends and enjoy each other’s company.  The love and respect we have for each other is the foundation that makes our time together pleasurable.  We also know each other very well and can sense when the other needs a little breathing room.

So this Valentine’s Day has been very similar to the other 364 days in the year.  We sipped our morning coffee in anticipation of the adventure that would come our way this day, we discussed plans for the next few days and weeks, we enjoyed a walk together, we stopped occasionally for hugs and a few dance steps to no music at all, and shared the experiences of the day with each other.  It was a wonderful Valentine’s Day and I look forward to the one tomorrow shared with the love of my life.

Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all.

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