
Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Throwed Roll Experience

The rains came as predicted overnight.  But it hasn’t been a steady rain all day; there have been dry times.  Gene took advantage of one of those times to continue rubbing on the Montana.  It is a never ending process to keep the outside clean and polished.  We had so much rain during our stay in Nashville that he didn’t get as much done as he had hoped.  It is long overdue now and is taking some real elbow grease.

This is only the second time we have stayed at an Escapee park.  They have many activities and camping options which we are interested in learning about.  This morning we went over to the clubhouse to meet a few people and ask a few questions.  They were just finishing up breakfast.  We had eaten at home because we thought you had to sign up for meals in advance.  That is only true for the Tuesday and Thursday evening meal.  Now we know.  There were several folks still there from breakfast and a craft fair/garage sale was also getting started when we arrived.  We were able to meet several new couples, whom we hope to see again in our travels.  We finally got to meet Norm and Linda Payne.  Gene has used the information on their website for several years to learn about the RVing lifestyle.  Hopefully, we’ll have the opportunity to visit with them again before we leave.
Photo of a journal page
While Gene rubbed on the Montana, I started work on my next major project.  Once again it has to do with digitizing photographs.  For several years, I kept handwritten journals of our activities.  Living in such a small space prohibits carrying around all that paper.  This past December I finally got the last of those journals transcribed to word documents and copied to CDs.  All I have left now are 4 spiral bound journals which are a combination of the handwritten account and the photos, postcards, and patches that go along with the written text.  I guess the best way to describe it is an elementary form of scrapbooking.  It certainly isn’t as elaborate as the scrapbooks we think of today.  I have struggled with what to do with these journals.  While we were in Nashville, a friend mentioned that her husband was preserving old photos by taking a digital photo of the paper picture.  That sounded like a solution to my journal problem.  The main problem I have is light.  Inside it is too dark not to use a flash, however, the flash creates a glare on the glossy finish photo.  Outside on a sunny day, the sunlight is too harsh and also causes a glare.  Today is perfect.  With the overcast skies I can photograph my photograph in front of a window and get enough light without using the flash.  I have included a couple pictures of our trip the Mt. Whitney in California, the highest point in the lower 48 at just under 14,500 feet.

For lunch we went to Lambert’s.  They are famous for their throwed rolls and before we could even tell them how many was in our party we had been thrown hot rolls right out of the pan.  All during our meal, rolls were flying around the dining room.  Also making they way around the dining room (thankfully not in the air) were the “pass arounds”—fried okra, macaroni and tomatoes, pinto beans, potatoes and onions, and apple butter and molasses for the rolls. The food was good, not outstanding, but it was all about the experience.

On our way home we stopped by the seafood market for our first pound of fresh shrimp which we are having over pasta for dinner.

We plan to go to the 4 o’clock social hour this afternoon the meet a few more people and the rest of the afternoon and evening we will kick back and relax.

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