
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Perry Georgia

We had a very quiet, relaxing evening at home to ring in the new year.  In fact, we rang it in a little early—about 8 o’clock, and we were sound asleep by 9.  I actually can’t remember the last time we stayed up until midnight.  The last time we were even up at midnight was 2000, and then we set the alarm to get up to watch the celebrations on TV.  Just goes to show how old we are.
My chef

Just because we went to bed early doesn’t mean it wasn’t a special evening.  Last night was the first of 52 home cooked meals prepared for me by my sweet husband.  One of my Christmas gifts from him this year was a “certificate” for home cooked meals, one per week, throughout the year.  These meals are totally prepared by him including the planning and the grocery shopping.  Last night we had chicken enchiladas and they were delicious.  This is the best Christmas gift of all.  I’m lovin’ it.
Now, that's a pair!

This cold January morning we hitched up and drove the 180 miles or so from Montgomery to Perry, Georgia (just south of Macon).  We will be spending 4 nights at the Fair Harbor RV Park and visiting with my brother, his two boys and their wives.  My parents are also here, so it is another big family event.

Tonight we gathered at my brother’s home in Macon for dinner.  I took Hoppin’ John and mother had made Hoppin’ John, so I think we probably got more than a full measure of black-eyed peas for plenty of good luck this year.  We also had a full measure of fun and especially laughter.  At first, we got off on the chocolate chip cookies mother had made.  I think I may have told part of this story before, so here is the rest of the story.  Mother was mixing up dough for a batch of cookies when she got interrupted with something.  When she came back to the cookies, she had forgotten she had already put in the sugar.  That batch didn’t turn out too well.  Since her grandsons expect chocolate chip cookies anytime she comes to town, she made another batch.  In the second batch she mistakenly used low fat margarine and they didn’t turn out very good either.  In fact, they were a pile of crumbs.  Not to be outdone, she made a third batch which turned out perfectly.  Those were the ones she forgot and left at home in Nashville.  Today, so as not to disappoint her grandsons, she made yet another batch of chocolate chip cookies.  Truthfully, they are not the best she has ever made, but we ate them like they were and there won’t be any left by the end of the weekend.

We are looking forward to more fun and laughter tomorrow at Ben’s home.

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