
Saturday, January 17, 2009

On RV Toilet Paper

I think I promised another social hour story.

There are a few things which RVers don’t talk about much in public.  One of those topics is toilet paper.  It is difficult for the nonRVer to get their mind around black tanks, gray tanks, sewer hoses, sewer donuts, and toilet paper.  Among RVers, however, this is a hot topic of discussion, especially if you have just purchased your very first RV.  The host of our 4 o’clock social hour not only brought up the subject of toilet paper, he also had a demonstration and hands-on activity.  Now just hold on a minute before you get too grossed out (or excited); it was not whatever you are thinking.

New RVers always have the question of what type toilet tissue is safe for the black tank.  This information is readily available for the seeking.  Our owner’s manual even provides a lengthy list of what can and cannot be deposited in the black tank.  For example, under no circumstances are wet wipes or even Kleenex to go down that hole.  Our manufacturer suggests the use of nothing except toilet tissue clearly marked as “safe for RVs”.  The goal here is to use a product which will disintegrate in the tank as much and as quickly as possible.  There is a test which can be done to determine if the tissue you want to use meets the RV standard for disintegration.  It was this test which our social hour host conducted with the help of his audience.
We use the brand in the second jar from the left.
He had several of the popular brands of toilet tissue which he enclosed in a quart canning jar filled with water—one brand per jar.  These jars were then passed to the attendees to be shaken for a few seconds.  It is obvious which brands of tissue will be safe for your black tank.  There were two tissue types which were included in the test which are rarely found on your grocery shelves these days, but were very familiar to this audience “of a certain age”—a page from a catalogue and a corn cob.

There was a substantial rain this morning which began in the predawn hours and continued until mid-morning.  We were glad of our decision yesterday not to try to travel today.  Instead, we enjoyed coffee, bagels, and fellowship with other RVers at the clubhouse this morning.  We had a relaxed day of internet surfing, reading, sudoku, and phone conversations with various family members.  A good day all round.

We are rested and, with clear skies in the forecast for tomorrow, we will hitch ‘em up and move ‘em out toward Texas in the morning.

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