
Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This was a very productive day.  The freezing rain and sleet which was predicted for this morning passed us by to the north.  It was raining, but not icy so I was able to get to the grocery earlier than I thought.  We also took our box of treasures to Goodwill on the way.

After lunch I got out my recipes for the cookies I plan to bake and tried to get somewhat organized for the baking spree tomorrow.  I didn’t quite go so far as to sift the flour, but I did chop the nuts.  We have a far too ambitious goal of 10 different types of cookies.  I think 6 is more realistic for the time we have, but we are trying for 10.  We may be baking into the night.  I am so afraid I will leave some of the ingredients at home I have read and reread the recipes 3 times.

After I got my cookie stuff squared away, I made Eggnog bread.  It was a new recipe for me and it is great.  However, it doesn’t have a strong eggnog taste.  I was surprised because I put almost 3 cups of eggnog in the batter which makes 2 standard loaves.  I made mini loaves, so I have five.  I’m passing them around, of course.  One to each of our neighbors here in the campground, I’ll take one to mother, and one for us.

The other loaf I took to our friends, Lonnie and Melissa.  Melissa worked with Gene for over 20 years.  She retired about this time last year.   She and Lonnie took us to dinner.  What a nice treat that was.  It goes without saying that we ate too much.  The best part, of course, was seeing them and having a couple hours to catch up on family news, share a few personal experiences, and laugh together.  Thank you, Lonnie and Melissa for a wonderful evening.

The other thing I did today was the daily vacuuming.  Anyone with an RV knows that it is impossible to keep from tracking dirt, sand, debris, leaves, whatever into the RV.  Some campgrounds are better than others, depending on what type road surface they have, what kind of soil is prominent, if they have trees or not and whether they are hardwoods or evergreens.  I thought this campground would be pretty good.  The interior roads are gravel, but it is more gravel than dust.  The campsites are grassy with concrete patios, not bare, loose dirt or sand and the concrete patio is perfect.  However, there are hardwood trees which have lost their leaves.  For the whole month of November, we tracked in leaves.  Even though we have a welcome mat, and 3 steps covered with that artificial turf stuff, we still got leaves inside.  Last week the campground lawn person ran over the entire campground with the mower to mulch the leaves.  I thought that was great.  I was looking forward to no leaves.  If anything, I think it is worse.  And with the rain for the past week, it is horrible.  I have to vacuum every day.

Now, it is way past my bedtime.  Tomorrow night my journal post will carry with it the sweet smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies.  Yum, Yum.

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