
Friday, December 5, 2008

Free at Last

The deed is done.  Gene has officially joined the ranks of the “old retired guys”.  He has worked toward this goal for the past 4 decades.  We can hardly believe we have achieved this milestone in our life.  We are truly blessed—pressed down, shaken together, and over flowing.

The primary obstacle was health insurance.  We have been in the application process with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the past several months.  We got a notice a couple weeks ago that we had been accepted for a private policy.  There are a few exclusions, but not anything we can’t handle on our own.  We are very grateful to have been accepted.  At our age and with both of us on cholesterol medication, we were fearful of being declared “uninsurable”.  I’m not sure we passed with flying colors, but we passed and for right now that is all that matters.  We have a very high deductable, but it is a health savings plan type policy so we will at least be able to save a few tax dollars.

We went out for dinner last Saturday, which was Gene’s last official work day.  We have been in a celebratory mood all week.  We were unable to make a real announcement until the company Gene works for was informed.  That was done today and now we are all about jumping up and down and shouting out our good news.

 This doesn’t mean that our projected travel plans for 2009 have changed.  We still plan to head to Texas for the winter and gradually make our way to Washington state for the summer.  However, we will no longer have to schedule our sightseeing, hiking, and travel days around work days.  We’re free, having escaped the tether of career responsibilities.  We have also escaped the security of a regular pay check.  I hope all those years of practicing with a budget has taught us something because this is the real thing now.  It’s McDonalds senior coffee from now on unless we can get it for free at the local campground office.

Here we go on the next phase of our life—the one we have been looking forward to through all the previous phases.  Thank you, Lord.

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