
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day Three of Rain

You may have heard me say at some time (for I say it often), that I don’t mind hiking in a light rain, but it is the third day of rain that really gets me down.  By that time, even if it is a light rain, everything in and out of the pack is wet.  I have decided today that the third day of rain gets me down even if I’m not hiking.  This is that day.  We really need the rain in Tennessee, so I’m not complaining about the rain.  But, boy, it sure is hard to keep a cheery disposition after 3 days of wet, drab weather.  And cold and windy, I might add.  At least I’m not sleeping in a wet tent and wearing wet boots.  Now if the rain were to change to snow, that would be totally acceptable.

In an effort to ignore the rain, I decided on hamburgers for dinner.  Gene looked at me like I should be committed when I said we could grill them and eat on the patio.  Even with an overactive imagination, it was hard for me to pretend it was a sunny day when the local news started showing pictures of snow in the surrounding counties.

Yesterday, I snuck in a short walk of dodging puddles in between rain showers.  Other than that, I haven’t been outside.  I got a wild hair yesterday afternoon to rearrange my kitchen cabinets.  I moved the pots and pans to under the sink swapping the space with the canned food.  That, of course, has necessitated buying some shelving since the sink space was smaller than the cabinet space.  Wal-Mart, here I come (in a day or two).  I think I’m going to like this arrangement better.

This morning, I got busy with a batch of pumpkin bread.  It is oh, so good and so very easy.  One loaf is for my aunt and uncle, one loaf for mother, and one loaf is for friends we are having dinner with Saturday.  One loaf is going in the freezer to take for our visit with my nephews and brother in Georgia.  I have already eaten about half of one loaf so I guess we’ll keep that one for ourselves.

Gene went downtown this morning to have lunch with his friend, Herb.  I sent Herb a loaf of pumpkin bread, also.  Herb got cheated, though, because Gene left with the bread before it was cool enough for the glaze.  On the other hand, Herb got a loaf warm from the oven.

Tomorrow, if it stops raining and doesn’t snow, we are planning another trip to the country in search of Taylor’s Creek, the first community where my grandparents lived after they got married.  It is also the place where my mother’s older sister was born.  I hope the weather cooperates and we get to go.

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